Indian Geography Congress : A Journey
National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) is organizing Indian Geography Congress since 1980.
Proposals are invited from the Geography Departments within India to host the 47th and 48th Indian Geography Congress, 2025 and 2026, respectively and the 9th/10th NAGI International Conference, 2025/2026.
The proposal should include:
Letter of interest signed / forwarded by the Vice-chancellor/Registrar/Principal (for autonomous colleges).
Broad theme of the Congress/Conference.
Capacity to host around 1000 participants along with accommodations.
Sufficient space to accommodate the participants for inaugural/valedictory/memorial lectures/plenary sessions and to run parallel technical sessions.
Plan for funding from internal and external organizations.
Past experiences of hosting Congress/Conferences.
Plan for Congress Proceedings/Abstract Volume
NAGI Life membership of faculty members of the host department (at least the proposed Chairperson and Convener should be NAGI Life Member).
Kindly send the proposals to NAGI Secretariat ( before 01st December 2024.